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JAMES 4:8, INSTRUCTS US TO DRAW NEAR TO GOD, AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO US, but look at verse 7, ..."submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you".

I believe THIS is the first hindrance to drawing near to GOD, NOT Submitting ourselves to God FIRST. If we really understood the importance and the benefits of putting God FIRST in our daily lives, we would be more apt to start our day with HIM.

Another hindrance is NOT prioritizing ourselves. Years ago I read a book by Marilyn Hickey about planning your day, by putting first things first. Follow God lead by getting organized, HE put His week together in an ORDERLY fashion. First day order was LIGHT. Clutter is CHAOS, which prevents you from seeing.

Another hindrance is Not valuing your TIME. You only have 24 hours to get things done. Are you trying to put 36 or 48 hours in a 24 hour day. Reduce your plate size. To much on your plate is a personal hindrance, because only you can control who and what gets on your plate. Disconnect from anyone who doesn't value your TIME. Time is money ,actually YOUR TIME is more valuable than money.

It would take to much time to name them all, find out about yours and take TIME and Effort to resolves. Make adjustments, and disconnect where needed. Start today.

Galatians 5:7 ...You ran well, but what HINDERED you.

Make your day count, value you

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